StableLab Delegate Thread

Update on recent voting -

StableLab voted as follows:
[TPP-001] Ignite Program - FOR

The proposal is jump-starting DeFi activity - big time.
TVL on Era is almost non-existant compared to other L2s, and Ignite set out to change that. Supported.

[ZIP-001] Protocol Defense - FOR

We fully support the necessary protocol upgrades enhancing security and the ability to debug applications.

[ZIP-002] Reducing the execution delay to 3 hrs. - FOR

While we had some qualms about the short execution delay, the Security Council’s high quality and the advantages of the shorter execution time convinced us to vote FOR here.

[ZIP-003] Resubmission of Protocol Defense - FOR

Following the guidance of the ZKsync Security Council we voted in favor of this resubmission. We were already supportive of the first version and are even more convinced now, thanks to the great diligence involved in bringing this to life.

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