404 Gov Delegate Communication Thread

Name: 404 Gov

Delegate Address: 0xE93D59CC0bcECFD4ac204827eF67c5266079E2b5

Delegate ENS: 404gov.eth

Forum Username: @404Gov

Tally Profile: 404 Gov's Delegate Profile

About 404 Gov:

404 Gov is a leading delegate across the Ethereum ecosystem. We actively contribute to many top protocols, including Uniswap, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Wormhole. Our team is dedicated to promoting sustainable governance practices, growth, and decentralization.

Our experience includes active participation in various working groups and councils/committees, including Arbitrum LTIPP, Optimism ACC, Arbitrum Onboarding Lead, and Arbitrum MSS.

Our Team:

404 Gov is led by Cole Schendl and Rika Goldberg. Other governance team members include 0xManny, 0xTraub, Kaleb Rasmussen, and Ryan Demattia. Our team possesses a diverse range of technical and non-technical skills, from analytics and business development to cybersecurity and MEV. You can learn more about our team here.

Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

404 Gov is an active delegate in Arbitrum, Optimism, Uniswap, and Wormhole. When necessary, we will disclose conflicts of interest and abstain from voting.


Sounds like a good idea. I would support this proposal


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