ZKSC Verification & Approval — [ZIP-4] Reduce the execution delay from 21 hours to 3 hours

:white_check_mark: ZIP-4 Verification

The ZKSC has completed an initial review of ZIP-4 to verify the accuracy of the proposal. The ZKSC is comfortable that the proposal call data is accurate.

Please note this is not related to the Security Council approval required to execute an approved proposal, which will still need to be completed if ZIP-4 is approved by the Token Assembly. If ZIP-4 passes, this thread will be updated with information related to the ZKSC approval.

The ZKSC will be completing an initial review of ZIPs as they are put onchain, to verify that the content of the proposal matches what is reflected in the call data. The benefit of completing an initial review is to increase the levels of confidence that Delegates can have when voting on a ZIP — ensuring there are no major issues with the upgrade based on the checks that can be completed prior to ZKsync Era execution.

Verification Methodology

An example of the methodology used for the initial proposal verification for ZIP-4 can be viewed in this Youtube video where Patrick Collins, co-founder of Cyfrin, walks through this Github repo which he created to verify proposal information.

ZKSC members are encouraged to create their own verification process and tooling, and are not required to conform to a particular methodology. In saying that, having shared tools can provide a good starting point. Huge thanks to Patrick for taking that on for ZIP-4.

Action Required (optional): I would encourage all interested Delegates to take a few minutes to watch the Youtube video, in order to help build context around the ZIP process.

ZIP-4 Approval

The Security Council approved ZIP-4 on 31 January 2025.