ZKsync Association Membership

Gm, I was wondering what the status of the ZKsync association is? The documentation states the articles of the association are still under review: ZKsync Association Membership | ZK Nation

If I remember correctly, delegates could opt in before their first vote to become a member. And since there already was one proposal, the association is already active?

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Hey @bitblondy ! The ZKsync Association was incorporated on 14 June 2024. The ZKsync Association is still waiting on final comments and approval of the Articles of Association from Austrian government.

The delay in confirmation of the articles does not impact Association membership.


Thanks @theshelb for the clarification, sounds good that the first proposals would be covered then as well. Could you share the draft of the articles? Would be curious about the setup.

hope official zysknc will do a tweet when it’s ready