ZKsync GovFeed v1.0: Accessible Governance Monitoring via RSS

The ZKsync Governance Team continues the work to set the standard for onchain governance. This includes creating a system built on smart-contracts, not just multisigs. Yet this onchain system cannot be hidden and monolithic. It needs to be accessible, accountable, and adaptable.

As a step towards accessibility and accountability, the Governance Team has completed the development of an MVP governance monitoring system.

GovFeed v1.0 Overview

  • Purpose : Gathers and publishes onchain governance events for monitoring.
  • Availability : Visit feed.zknation.io to view the RSS feed.
  • Compatibility : The GovFeed is compatible with custom notifications for Slack, Telegram, Lens, and Discord.

Key Features

  • Event Coverage :
  • zkMessage.sol Contract :
    • Enables the creation of verifiable onchain Messages .
    • Admins can assign Messenger roles to broadcast messages to the RSS feed.
    • Available on ZKsync Era at 0x5d89444f84d544deBbD13D672f314A4DfaE3f77C
    • Example use cases: Updates from Security Council members, Guardians, or Proposal Program Leads.

Usage and Feedback

  • The Governance Team will pilot GovFeed over the next 6 months.
  • We encourage feedback, especially from builders integrating the RSS feed into their workflows.
  • If there are any particular events or messages you would like to see on the GovFeed, please reach out and let us know.

Looking forward to continuing on the path to true onchain governance,



Really cool idea! One of the features I think would be valuable is the ability to subscribe to feeds independently. Non-technical delegates for example might prefer only being notified about new proposals etc.


Thanks for sharing, love the idea of having a governance data feed! Out of curiosity, which onchain governance events does this refer to, just the votings?
Look forward to having notification bots or something similar.

You can take a look at the full list of events are listed in this linked document!

Voting is not currently included, but potentially other events will be over time.

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Thanks for sharing, there are really a lot of actions that are getting mapped. I see there’s one event for proposal creation. :+1: