TPP Builder Presentation Signup

Join the Delegate calls and share a demo!

The TPP Builders category is a dedicated space on the forum for teams developing token mechanic building blocks to share their work. These building blocks could be used as foundational components for creating token mechanics within token programs.

Over the course of the coming few weeks, the Governance Team (ZKsync Association) would like to invite token mechanic builders and service providers to sign up to present during the bi-weekly standing Delegate calls. The governance team will also invite team members from the ZKsync Foundation, Matter Labs, and other ZKsync partners such as ZK Chains to attend these calls.

Demo Slot Sign-Up

In an effort to help the community start to see the vision of what token mechanics could look like and how they can be used, the Governance Team wants to start showcasing these tools & services on standing Delegate calls. They will also encourage contributors to design templates and demonstrate how these building blocks can be combined to create mechanisms that align with the vision of the ZKsync Token Program.

During the standing Delegate calls listed below, we will reserve three, 10-minute slots for token mechanic builders. I am asking teams who have posted in the TPP builders category to please comment below and tag @shelby with your preferred date to present.

Slots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. All calls take place from 17:00-18:00 UTC on the following dates.

  • March 18th (3 slots)
  • April 1st (3 slots)
  • April 15th (3 slots)
  • April 29th (3 slots)
  • Other future calls as needed

Suggested TPP Builder Presentation Agenda

Each 10 min slot will be for a brief presentation and Q&A. The presentations should include the following aspects:

  • Overview of tool or service
  • How does you aligns with token mechanic standards & values
  • Example(s) of how it can be used to build a token mechanic for a Token Program
  • Links to contracts and documentation
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Spencer here from Hats Protocol. April 1 would work great for our team. Looking forward to the opportunity to share what’s possible with Hats!


Ele from here. We would love to present our work on the 18th of March.