Standing Delegate Call 01.10.24 - Thread

Happy Friday ZKsync Delegates! :mirror_ball: :sparkles:

As promised, here is a thread to gather discussion topics for the first standing Delegate call on Tuesday, October 1st.

The goal is to collaboratively curate the agenda by having Delegates propose discussion topics (with reasoning) in this thread. Others can “upvote” a topic by liking the different posts, which will help prioritize the items for the agenda.

I will update this forum post the day of the call with a proposed agenda based on results from the forum. I will use that agenda as a guide to help facilitate the call.

:phone: Subscribe to the “ZKsync Delegates Calls” calendar to access call invites and links.

In case you missed it, check out this post describing the focus, format, cadence and other details of the standing calls.

Your Gov Experience gal - Shelby

[EDIT] :point_down:


The order for theagenda for the call is based on the amount of likes each proposed topic received. I will start the call with a very brief intro & some housekeeping items, but most of the time will be used to discuss the following topics:

  • Delegate onboarding: Forum data, apmlification of resources in different channels
  • Working Group Roll Call: Working groups/teams to share what proposals are being worked on to help avoid duplicating efforts across groups / idetntify possible collaboratioins.
  • Incentive/Grants Programs
  • Delegate Compensation

Thanks for initiating the conversation @theshelb I’d be glad to hear comments from delegates and the foundation on a DAO led Grants Program to support builders in various domains.


Delegate onboarding

I think we/ zksync should improve delegate onboarding. I couldn’t find any data wrt how many delegates have registered in the forum, but my gut feeling is that it’s just a very few.
I found the forum digging / by coincidence and I think that’s not optimal.

The forum, this call etc. should be promoted via zknation twitter, email (I think emails were recorded while creating a tally profile?) to make sure we activate a huge part of delegates as soon as possible.


I think two key topics dominated the discussion:

  1. Incentive/Grants Program – The focus here is on building, sustaining, and growing the ecosystem of builders (developers, artists, creators, etc.) to boost on-chain activity, a critical metric for the chain’s success, bring builders and inspire them to stay. This also aims to foster a vibrant culture around the chain. Lots to discuss here.

  2. Delegate Compensation – While most delegates support the idea of compensation, there are still important details to address: Should compensation be implemented? If so, how much? When should it start? Compensation criteria (delegation + engagement I assume). How can we prevent the system from being exploited or gamified, etc.


Support this suggestion @Benido. I would also be interested, in how the calls will be structured, e.g. if they are recorded, if there’s somebody taking notes or which part goes to foundation updates and discussing proposals.

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Right now, several working groups/teams are coming together, and many of us have started brainstorming different proposals.

I suggest we use this call to share what proposals we’re working on. This way, we can avoid duplicating efforts across groups and where possible collaborate.

I’m really looking forward to the call—this is such an exciting time for our DAO!


Hey @Benido - thanks for the comments here! Wanted to add a few notes already below:

Re forum roles for Delegates:
Thanks for calling this out! The Delegates group has been updated to be public and allows folks to request to join the group. Delegates can request to join the group here. The request prompt will ask you to share your Tally profile. After requesting to join this group, the Governance Systems Team will verify the Tally profile with the user. If accepted, the “ZKsync Delegate” title will be added to the user and will be visible to others on the forum.

Ideally, Tally eventually would develop an integration with Discourse that allows Delegates to verify their discourse profile with their Tally profile to ensure authenticity, but this is not currently available.

Re governance resources being shared on socials:
There is a X thread in the works that highlights the three main governance resources: this forum, the Tally governance portal ( and ZK Nation docs ( which outline bodies, proposal types/guidelines and governance procedures.

In addition, Gov Team is in the process of creating a ticker-style Telegram channel and an announcements channel on the ZKsync Discord to share announcements and reminders for delegates and anyone else interesting in keeping up with governance reminders. Reminders for standing Delegate calls could also be included in these notificiations if helpful. Both of those channels will launch this week so they are ready to follow when proposals start coming in. These will be announced on Twitter and the forum for people to find and follow.

Reminder: You can follow specific categories/sub-categories on Discourse to receive email notifications. Anyone can follow the “Delegate Calls” sub-category to get updates on new posts from that category.

Happy to discuss what further resources or comms would be helpful for Delegates here or in the call!

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Hey @bitblondy - you can find all of that information in this message.

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FYI :information_source:

The adenda for the call has been updated above! Thanks to everyone who suggested topics to discuss!

See everyone on the call in a few hours! :dizzy:


:phone: :writing_hand: CALL NOTES / LINKS

Thanks to everyone who joined the first Standing Delegate Call yesterday! We had quite the crew!

As promised, below is a collection of summarized notes and links shared in the call from yesterday. There will not be a recording shared for this call.

If you have feedback or opinions on the Standing Delegate Calls, feel free to leave feedback here.

Delegate Onboarding:

Working Group Roll Call:

  • @Tekr0x.eth and @cap discussed how they are curious to start thinking about developing “grant” ideas for ZKsync - reach out to them if you want to get involved.
  • There was a shared sentiment that it would be great if working groups would share threads or updates on ideas/work on the forum for visibility for other Delegates.

Token Programs vs Grants Discussion:

  • Try to rethink how you know “grants” from other spaces - the typical standard for grants in this space does not align with the guidelines for Token Program Proposals (TPPs). Think how can “grants” be reimagined to align with this new standard.
  • Token Program Proposals should deploy smart contracts - or creating “pipes” to distribute ZK throughout the ecosystem - so you need to define the program in terms of the smart contracts you are deploying.
  • As of right now, proposals should deploy already developed smart-contracts + include retroactive funding for work upon approval, not ask for funding to build a speculative solution that hasn’t been tested.
  • Delegates should look at the past 2+ years and find the best programs that have had the most impact, ZKsync should adopt the ones that work for the protocol and ecosystem
  • Examples of possible TPPs include autonomous ZK token emissions based on onchain data like a liquidity pool NFT or token-curated-registry.
  • @drnick, Hats, Hedgey, and MetaLeX have been working on these types of contracts
  • The Governance Systems Team is working on a post to provider further context and examples to help clarify TPPs more.

Delegate Compensation:

  • We didn’t really get into this one, but someone could start a thread on the forum to start a discuss.

@Benido this Tweet went out yesterday highlighting key governance resources!

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Thank you!

I don’t wanna be the guy always complaining, but maybe a call to action for delegates would have been better? But if we see delegates joining the forum, we are good and if they don’t we can still think about other ways to onboard them. So again thank you!

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Hey @Benido can you elaborate on what you mean by “call to action for Delegates”?

The tweet quoted is a list of governance resources, which is great and there is a “you can check it out here” call to action connected to it, but maybe something along the lines of

“Calling all our ZKNation delegates to join the forum”

would be more straight forward. Also the forum is kind of “hidden” in the tweet thread.

Now I obviously don’t know if all delegates even follow zknation on twitter, so not sure if this will really have a huge impact. But after the tweet went out we haven’t seen a lot of new posts/ replies here, so not sure how successful it was either.

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Gm, I think it would be useful for delegates who aren’t able to attend the standing call to have a recording to access later. This is common practice in DAOs such as Arbitrum and Uniswap. What do others think?

Thanks for these suggestions. Reaching everyone is always a challenge.

In addition to the Twitter thread sharing key governance resources, I recently set up a ZK Nation announcements channel on the ZKsync Discord to try to reach the vast existing community there. I shared the same resources, but tried to highlight that the forum is the place where governance discussions happen and that Delegates should be paying attention here.

This will likely be a group effort to reach everyone, though. Please let other Delegates you meet know the forum is the place to be for governance discussion and to sign up if they have not yet!


Very cool, do it for zk development