Getting Started as a ZKsync Delegate 🌟

Hey Delegates! Below is a collection of essential resources and tips to help you kickstart your journey as a ZKsync Delegate! :dizzy:

:information_source: This resource will be updated and adapted over time as needed.

:link: Key Governance Resources

What Link Description
ZK Nation Website Home base for all key ZK Nation resources and links
ZK Nation Docs The docs are home to the ZK Credo, Governance North Star, token information, delegation information, governance procedures, proposal guidelines and more.
ZK Nation Community Forum Main place for governance discussions. Drafts of proposals will be posted here by proposals authors to collect feedback before posting onchain.
Governance Portal Custom Tally interface where anyone can delegate their ZK, as well as submit or vote on governance proposals.
Governance Verification (name stil tbh) Custom interface that Guardians and the Security Council use to review, approve, and veto onchain proposals.
Blog Visit the blog to read recent news and updates related to ZK Nation, the ZKsync Governance System, and the ZKsync Association.
Contract Code GitHub - zksync-association/zk-governance: Governance smart contracts All ZKsync production and testnet contracts. This is also where you can find the ownership transfer sequence of the protocol to the community.
Social Follow ZK Nation for updates and announcements relevant to ZKsync governance.

:scroll: Read the ZK Nation Docs - Understand Governance System

The ZK Nation docs are home to the ZK Credo, Governance North Star, token information, delegation information, governance procedures, proposal guidelines and more. To better understand the ZKsync Governance System, the governance bodies, and procedures - the following pages will be helpful to read in detail:

(Image found at

:speaking_head: Fill out your Tally Delegate Profile

Make sure you have your Delegate profile setup on the canonical governance portal (e.g. verify profile, add areas of focus, brief bio, ways to get in touch/accounts to follow etc.).

:handshake: Review Delegation Standards

In addition to the general community standards outlined in the ZK Nation Code of Conduct, delegates are held to a set of more specific standards that support healthy governance. Please read through the ZKsync Delegation Standards to get a feel for best

:busts_in_silhouette: Understand Association Membership

Delegates can opt in to become a member of the ZKsync Association, an ownerless, non-profit association. This is a new model to address potential personal legal liability of Delegates for decisions made in connection with the Token Assembly. Read more about Association Membership.

Please note that while there are other governance portals where folks can delegate and vote onchain, the canonical Tally portal is the only portal that allows for signing up for ZKsync Association Membership.

Disclaimer: The legal and regulatory environment regarding governance participation is still very volatile. There is no guarantee for complete liability protection. Risk tolerance varies for each individual and should be evaluated on a personal basis.

:speech_balloon: ZKsync Delegate Telegram Channel

This TG channel is a ticker-style channel that shares important updates on governance proposals and other relevant announcements to ZKsync Delegates. Join the channel here.

:phone: Standing Delegate Calls & Delegate Call Calendar

Standing Delegate Calls are bi-weekly calls that provide a dedicated time and space for Delegates to discuss broader topics, share updates, and engage in general planning and coordination. The agenda for these calls is curated by Delegates on the forum the days leading up to the calls.

Read more about focus and format of Standing Delegate Calls here!

:spiral_calendar: Subscribe to the Delegate Call Calendar for invites and call details.

:sos: Where to find support

The ZKsync Governance Systems Team (Gov Team) operates within the ZKysnc Association, an Austrian entity. The Gov Team is a support and utility provider for ZK Nation ecosystem and the ZKsync Governance System. The Gov Team is responsible for:

  • Designing the ZKsync governance system and deploying the initial governance and token smart contracts
  • Supporting the ongoing governance of the ZKsync protocol as contemplated by its governing documents (i.e. uphold Governance Procedures)
  • Maintaining key governance documentation and resources
  • Support the three governance bodies (Token Assembly, Security Council & Guardians)

Delegates can reach out to @theshelb and @rafa from the Gov Team for support on engaging with the ZKsync Governance System - whether it be troubleshooting technical issues with delegation or voting, questions on Association membership, proposal developement, or other questions. The Gov Team is here to support you the best we can!

:writing_hand: Existing Forum Resources & FAQs

Below is a collection of links to previous posts that address questions already raised by Delegates. The Gov Team recommends reviewing these to gain additional context for Delegates.

Please drop a note below if you feel something is missing here!

:heart: Your Gov Team