Standing Delegate Calls ☎️

Below is a description of the Standing Delegates Calls that take place on a bi-weekly basis. This post is to be used as a “sorce of thruth” reference for all Delegates to understand the latest format of the standing calls at any given time.

:information_source: This post is an adaption of this response the the Deleage Kickoff Call Summary. The description outlined below is subject to change as these calls mature and needs of participating Delegates change. Please feel free to leave feedback directly in this thread!

:star2: Focus of Standing Delegate Calls

These calls are a dedicated time and space for Delegates to discuss broader topics, share updates, and engage in general planning and coordination.

Discussions around specific active proposals can be done in other calls that either Delegates or the proposal authors choose to set up.

:arrows_counterclockwise: Cadence

Currently, these calls take place on a bi-weekly basis. Reasoning being:

  • To provide frequent touch points early to help delegates build relationships and find ways to work together.
  • Not every Delegate will be able to make every call, so providing more opportunities to join is important to keep momentum going on discussion

The call cadence can be adjusted at any time per wish of the Delegates.

:clock530: Time

The standing calls are currently scheduled to take place at 5:30pm CET / 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT.

This time was chosen based on where the majority of the active Delegates who joined the Kickoff calls or who have been in touch otherwise are located. Apologies to any of the Asia-based folks, as I know this gets a little late on your side (e.g. 10:30pm ICT).

The timing of the calls can be adjusted at any time per wish of Delegates.

:memo: Format/Agenda

The agenda for the calls will be collectively curated in the days leading up to the calls. The Friday before the call Shelby (@theshelb) from the Governance Systems Team will post a thread on the forum (under Delegate Calls) to start collecting ideas for discussion topics to add to the agenda. Folks can add their suggested topics along with reasons for including them, and others can “upvote” by liking posts to help prioritize items for the agenda.

Shelby will update the forum post the day of the call with the new agenda based on results from the forum. The resulting agenda will be used as a guide to help facilitate the call.

:person_raising_hand: Facilitation

Shelby can happily facilitate the first few calls, but will be primarily there to present the co-curated agenda and help keep discussions moving along. I will also be there to answer any questions you may have for the Association. Remember, this is your time and space to share thoughts and ideas with each other.

Note: Eventually, the goal is to have Delegates take over running these calls, including preparing the agenda and sharing notes. Ideally, I (or someone else from the Gov Team) will still attend to help answer questions and see where support may be needed, but the Delegates will take this over and make it their own.

:writing_hand: Notes/Recording

To simplify note-taking, I plan to record the call to generate a transcript, which I’ll condense into a summary of key points to share on the forum. The recording itself will not be shared and will be deleted after the notes are complete. If anyone has concerns about this, please let Shelby know by responding to this post!

If you’d prefer the recordings to be saved and shared somewhere moving forward, feel free to discuss it and let me know!

I will share notes from the call in the same thread as the agenda curation.

:spiral_calendar: Delegate Call Calendar

You can subscribe to the “ZKsync Delegate Calls” calendar here ! If there are other calls Delegates wish to add to this calendar for visibility, such as proposal review calls or other ZKsync Delegate-related calls, Shelby can add them to this calendar as well. Please reach out or tag @theshelb on the forum if you would like something to be added to the shared calendar.