ZK Capped Minter V2: Nested Minters, Start Time, Expiration, Pause, and Cancel

What new token mechanics can we envision with the new capped minter?

Over the course of December, the Governance Team has engaged with ScopeLift, FactoryDAO, Hats, Hedgey, and the ZKsync Ignite team to review the functionality of the ZK capped minter. A number of limitations were uncovered, creating friction in token mechanic design and composability.

Based on the outcomes of this analysis, the governance team is happy to announce the deployment of the ZK Capped Minter V2 and its associated Factory contract on ZKsync Era.

The new minter enhances our token governance framework, particularly in the execution of Token Program Proposals (TPPs). We strongly recommend all future TPPs use this version of the minter (V2), which allows for greater flexibility.

Let us know if you have any questions! We look forward to seeing how the new functionality expands the possibilities of ZKsync governance Token Programs.


Important Links

  • ZK Capped Minter V2 Contract
    • Source Code: ZkCappedMinterV2.sol
    • Example Testnet Era Sepolia Contract Address: 0xd362d551dDC4e2076DEd4eabA6DA9E3bB3752B5D
  • V2 Factory Contract:
  • Security Audit:

Context and Usage

In our governance framework, Token Program Proposals (TPPs) are instrumental in assigning minting and burning rights of ZK tokens to specified capped minters, and activating new token mechanics. [ZK Nation Docs]

The ZK Capped Minter V2 expands the limited functionality of V1, where the creator could assign a token, admin, and cap.

Features Overview:

  • Minting Cap: Similar to V1, the ZK Capped Minter V2 enforces a strict upper limit on the total number of tokens that can be minted, ensuring controlled token allocations.
  • [NEW] Multiple Minters: Uses role-based permissions to manage minting rights, enabling the immutable admin to assign multiple minters for the capped minter.
  • [NEW] Nested Minters: As a result of the minter role, token programs can have hierarchies of nested capped minters. This is particularly useful for the creation of sub-programs, or agent-specific minting rights.
  • [NEW] Start and Expiration Dates: Adds the ability to arbitrarily set a start and expiration time for a capped minter.
  • [NEW] Pause and Cancel Operations: Allows the admin to pause or fully cancel minting activities, providing a safeguard against unforeseen issues. The admin can also assign other addresses to have the power to pause.
  • [NEW] Metadata: Allows admin to set a custom metadata URI, allowing each minter to contained additional information related to connected token flows.
  • [NEW] Events: Emits onchain events for granting the minter role, minting, cancelling, setting metadata. New analytics and monitoring are possible.

:information_source: Separation of Roles: Unlike the first version of the capped minter, the admin and minter roles are now separate. Admins still have the ability to assign minting rights, including to the admin themself, but are not granted a minter role by default. This allows a capped minter to be deployed and granted the minter role from the ZK token, while ensuring the admin does not have direct access to the token allocation.

Configuration Parameters

When deploying a new instance of the ZK Capped Minter V2 via the Factory contract, the following parameters must be specified:

  • Mintable Token Address (_mintable): The address of the token contract that will be minted from.
  • Administrator Address (_admin): The address granted administrative privileges, including the ability to assign the MINTER role.
  • Minting Cap (_cap): The maximum number of tokens that can be minted by this contract.
  • Start Time (_startTime): The seconds timestamp from which minting is permitted.
  • Expiration Time (_expirationTime): The seconds timestamp after which minting is no longer allowed.

:information_source: Input Format: The minting cap should be set as a uint256 input. This means the cap should be the target token allocation followed by 18 ‘0’s to specify decimals. For example, to mint 10 (ten) tokens, the capped minter creator would input 10000000000000000000. Start time and expiration time require uint48 inputs. This means time must be converted to a seconds epoch timestamp. There are online converters available, such as https://www.epochconverter.com/. For example, a start time of Jan 1st 2025 00:00AM UTC would be input as 1735689600.


I absolutely love seeing this!! :clap:

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The Capped Minter V2 updates provide a solid framework for designing and managing token programs. I look forward to seeing how they support future governance initiatives!


Hey everyone, I’ve made a frontend for the v2 ZK Minter contracts. You can access it here: https://zkminter.org/


  • Launch a new Minter contract (ZkCappedMinterV2.sol) via the official Factory contracts that @rafa listed in the original topic post.
  • Grant/Revoke minter roles: Note that the contract admin cannot mint ZK tokens by default. Admin needs to assign the minter role to some address (can assign it to themselves too).
  • Mint ZK tokens
  • Safe Multisig support: You can use the app with your Safe account via WalletConnect (instructions on the About page).

Supported chains

Both the mainnet (ZKsync Era - 324) and the testnet (ZKsync Sepolia Testnet - 300) are supported as networks.

On the testnet I created a mock token (MCK) that anyone can mint, so your test minter contracts will be able to mint it without any special permission. On the mainnet, of course, the DAO needs to give permission (via a Tally vote) to any minter contract to be able to mint ZK tokens.

Open Source

The code is open source and accessible here on my GitHub: GitHub - tempe-techie/zk-minter-app

Feel free to fork it and contribute.


This is awesome! Looking at it in detail now. It feels like this sets the beginning of thinking of TPP-specific / cross-TPP management interfaces.

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Hi @Rafa,

The Treasure Delegate Council (TDC) had a great discussion on Cap Minter V2, and we’re all really impressed with the updates. The enhanced flexibility and creative options for deploying token flows are a big win.

Excited to see what Token Assembly gigabrains can achieve with the new tools now at their disposal.

Hey Tempe, this is great work and I’m sure that in time it will become much appreciated by the community.

It would be great to riff with you on any discoveries you made whilst working with ZKsync Era. Whats the best way to connect? cheers

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Thanks @Matt_FactoryLabs, feel free to send me a DM here on the forum.

Hey @TempeTechie.eth this is really neet. The functionality seems to be really similar to the official V2 Factory that Rafa links to in his post as well (reposted details below). What do you see the key differences being?

Well the frontend makes it easier to enter things like the max cap (on the block explorer you need to enter it in wei which can lead to mistakes), start/expiration time (on block explorer you need to enter a timestamp while on the frontend you can simply pick a date and time in a calendar widget), etc.

There are some other aspects that make a zkminter frontend more convenient than using the block explorer auto-generated frontend. In the end, it’s the same reason why we use, for example, Uniswap and Aave web frontends instead of using block explorer forms :slightly_smiling_face:

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